HR Payslip Approval in Odoo ($25.30)
Payslip Approval Manage Approval Flow Of Payslip in odoo System.
This app is suited for:
Payslip Approval Workflow
HR & Payroll Approval Workflow
Payroll Approval Workflow
Employee wise approval
Key Features
Approval on Payslip
Notification for approver for new Payslip(s) to approve
Approval configuration as per Salary Structure
Notification for payslip user after Approve / Reject by approver
Set the level for Approval of Employee on Salary structure.
Need Approval on Salary structure
Set Manager On Employee.
Set Salary Structure And Send it For Approval
Payslip Approval Mail Notification
Status will change Draft To Waiting For Approval After Submit Payslip
Manager Can Approve Payslip.
Status will change Waiting For Approval To Done After Approve Payslip.